The Princess ![]() I'm a princess. I've been blogging on this blog since 2004. I love cute things, pink, dresses, fairytales and tiaras. Shopping is my thing, make-up isn't. Being nineteen isn't easy, especially when you have to worry about grades, life and growing up. I'm currently a Mass Comm student in poly and hoping to become someone important in the media industry. Music is something else I'm into. You'll find me singing most of the time. What else? Oh, I found my prince (: |
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I'm so .. thankful. (: after 6 appeals and my stubborn no-giving up, i finally achieved it. don't know what i'm talking about? here's my story, in short. Since primary school, i wanted a media course. i love absolutely everything related to it. i promised myself to work hard during o's to get better points. but, i couldn't finish my geog, thus getting a way unexpected grade. unexpected grade = not good enough points. not good enough points = can't get in np or sp. thus, i got put into another poly in a totally nightmare-ish course. (to me) i can rmb that morning.. i woke up and rmbed it was posting day. check my sms.. then i cried x__x " Congrats ! You got posted to ___ Poly and your diploma course would be Sports and Leisure Management. " i never imagined to be posted there because it wasn't one of my 12 choices. it was seriously bad, for me. i mean sports !? my friend, barath (whom i known for..8 years), almost died of laughing. serious. then i started worrying about my future. "what i'm i going to do next time?" "How i'm i going to face this if it becomes my career?" i started calling schools to ask abt appeals. and found out about one and tried it. (failed.) then, what i dreaded came. " So, where did you get posted to ? What course? " i was ashamed of my posting. people asked on posting days, gathering days, cny. " oh haha, erm, ___ poly. erm, some management course la. (paiseh like hell) " during the holidays, i tried to appeal whenever chances came. i avoided the orientation because i refused to accept reality. but sch came, and i had to go. i knew nth about my sch. whether if it was the system or the ppl in my class. it was really lucky when i found out that first years do the same stuff. throughout the year one, i appealed to almost every poly, trying hard. one by one it went, apology letters flew it. I couldn't give up, i realised. so i continued. i met good friends in sch, and i realised, i don't wanna leave them. then i asked myself, maybe i could try changing course? I asked around for advice. some said, the course transfer policy was removed. lis told me his friend tried with a GPA of 4.0 and failed. i felt that there was always a maybe. so why not try? i emailed the CCC's in charge and asked him about course transfer. he told me that he thanked me for the interest but there's no such policy anymore. i tried to convince and gain the same reply. i didn't know what to do, then concentrated on poly transfers instead. year one ended and holidays came. i checked the sch mail one day and i recieved an email from CCC's in charge, Mr Yim. He said he wanted to have a sort of an interview session with me. and asked when i was free? i was excited, yes. the day of the interview was my bday. nervously, i gave my all in the interview and answered qns (confidently, hopefully). Mr Yim and Dr Gan were nice. Yet, i felt that this was my last hope. Mr Yim told me that they will update me soon. So, I waited. Checking email frequently. A few weeks before, an email came, announcing that they have completed their discussion. They will check with the office and email us again. I was tense and continued to wait. Last wednesday, Mr Yim emailed and say he wanted me to pass me a form to sign as part of the course transfer. Tears sneaked down as I realised his words. However, i didn't want to confirm it till I hear it personally. TODAY. I went down to school to send my lappy for a maintanence and to collect form. Mr Yim met me and two other students and brought us to a small meeting rm. " You have been picked..." Those wonderful words. He hands us the form with our names, transfer details, his signature. We were briefed on the modules we're taking, what block we'll be at, details to note. He said the course had about 100 students and some had left due to certain problems. That's why, he could picked us. 4 of us. And I was one of them. I'm still in the omg, i can't believe it mode. serious. IMPT : I am not gloating or anything. I swear i'm geniuely happy ! (:(: My thank yous : Thank you family ! (That includes all my lovely aunts/uncles in mummy's side) Thank you BESTIES ! (my nana and my lim : FOR EVERYTHING) Thank you Kylie ! (for praying for me.) Thank you Yingnan ! (for accompanying me today) Thank you Beatrice ! (for jiayou-ing and yr concern AND tolerating my calls) Thank you Joyceee ! (for jiayou-ing and yr concern) Thank you Janice ! (for jiayou-ing and yr concern) Thank you Gwen ! (for jiayou-ing and yr concern) Thank you Isabel ! (for jiayou-ing and yr concern) Thank you TianTian ! (for jiayou-ing and yr concern) Thank you JasonBF ! (for listening to me rant and yr concern ) Thank you Nelson ! (for concern and tolerating my rant) Thank you Tian ! (for being there and advicing me for the transfer) Thank you Maomao ! (for letting me disturb you for countless times) Thank you Mr Yim and Dr Gan ! (for giving me a chance) Thanks to all those lovely friends who wished me luck or congratulated me. I'm seriously grateful to have friends like y'all who are there for me and share my joy (:(: I'm so grateful, I might cry ! I LOVE YOU GUYS, i seriously do. I am a Diploma in Communication and Information Design student. (FYI, DCID learns Journalism, Marketing communication, PR and etc. Further studies to Mass Comm ! EK ! xD) it feels so unreal to say it and yes, i'm proud to be a CCC student. :D Going to hand in form tmr. gahh. need sleep soon ! more soon ! xoxo. |
Her royal song Reenielicious Xoxo ![]() Create your badge ![]() Her sweethearts Keh Lim Jocelyn Ching Fang Joyce Fann Vivien Jason Ruby Bygones !!! lzx and bestie. (: random post ! rainbow, dolphin and love. SOREEE. 18. bzy week hmms.i wanted to learn how to bake cookies.but i t... toothache ! exciting cny reunion. Take a bow Designer: Eunice Inspiration: Plastic!Romance Color: Color picker tool Icon: Reviviscent |